May 5, 2020 Message of the Week
“5646316John316” as a Registered Trademark was an effort with my Trademark Attorney in Atlanta to have been acquired for over a year. The first application for “5646316John316” to be approved as a Registered Trademark was denied. The application was then resubmitted stating that in searching Google for 15 pages there was no mention of the John 3:16 Scripture Verse being referenced with 5646316, so as to state “5646316John316” as being unique. Therefore, “5646316John316” was qualified to become a Registered Trademark. This being accomplished to protect this Witness for Jesus Christ in the dominion of His “Common Good” – Romans 8:28.
56463161ohn316 – Every person in the world can benefit in the affirmation of their Eternal Salvation in Believing Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior with this God Provided Affirmation in this God Given Providential Situational Circumstance as stated with “5646316John316”.
The Telephone Key Pads are the same in England and in the United States so 5646316 is a numerical reference to the John 3:16 Scripture. “56463161ohn316″ will encourage people to remember and tum to and read John 3:16 in the Bible and to Believe in Jesus Christ for their Personal Eternal Salvation,
God put it upon my heart in July of2017 that ”Not Everyone Knows John 3:16″. Let “Us” John 17:17-23 bring John 3:16 to the Light of Everyone in the world to secure their Personal Salvation In Eternity With Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior Ephesians 5:8-13.
“BelieveOne God Only Jesus Repent And Be Saved” James 2:18-19 John 3:16-21 Captain Bobby Fuhrman
Categories: Messages, Messages of the Week